One of my colleagues completed a successful Kickstarted campaign to launch the iOgrapher, an innovative enclosure that held an iPad Mini so that it could be transformed into a full-featured video camera. After he shipped his first batch of units, he was getting a number of support requests with basic questions about how to install and remove the iPad from the enclosure. I developed this printed guide as a solution. I wrote the instructions, created the graphics, and assembled it all into a two-sided layout to be shipped with the product.

An initial sketch to block out the steps and organize them on a single sheet of paper.

One of the graphics exported for the guide from Cinema 4D. I used the original 3D file to get the view I needed to properly illustrate each step and then exported the image as .tiff file.

A translator translated the instructions I wrote in English into Spanish. I completed a second layout and the finished document was two-sided: one side devoted to English and the other to Spanish.

The guide was sized the fit inside the enclosure and was included when prepping units for shipping.